Why You Should Check Out The Catholic Homeschool Conference This Year, Besides the Fact that I’ll Be Speaking!

Covid has become the topic of conversation for months now, causing fear, stress, and disruption to so many people’s lives. Along with health and economic concerns, a lot of parents outside of the homeschooling community are now dealing with a whole new world of educating their own children.

In some instances, I’ve heard parents sharing their new love for educating their children. Even though remote learning through their children’s schools have not been ideal, their quarantine-schooling experience has them seriously contemplating fully homeschooling their children. In other scenarios, the prospect of sending children into a “new normal” world of schooling with masks and social distancing—among other concerning Covid guidelines—have encouraged parents to choose the homeschooling route also.

Are you one of these parents?

Regardless of why you may have decided to home-school, you’re probably looking for some guidance. After-all, September will soon be upon us, and decisions must be made.

There is an untold number of resources online, so many homeschooling parents offering advice, and so many curriculum to choose from. And while homeschooling can be rewarding and enriching, the prospect can be extremely overwhelming. It can also feel isolating as you try to determine which direction to go in.

But you don’t have to fret! You’re not alone! In fact, there is such a thing as a home-school community that is welcoming and excited to share ideas and tips and advice on how to navigate the homeschooling world. And the beauty of it all is that there is no one way to home-school.  Which is cool, because there is no one kinda kid!

Any other year, homeschooling conferences would be offered in a city near you, with speakers and vendors eager to assist—well, maybe not every city—but Covid has caused all conferences to cancel their events or go online, such as The Catholic Homeschool Conference. Whether you’re a novice homeschooling parent, a veteran, or someone just looking for information on homeschooling in general, this conference is for you.

The Catholic Homeschool Conference is a 3-day online event June 25 – 27, offering 30+ speakers, curriculum ideas, and an Exhibitor Hall where you will find more information on vendors and resources such as Catholic Teen Books. I’m excited to add that  fellow Catholic Teen Books author Corinna Turner and I will both be speaking. My topic will be on “Using Fiction to Instill Character and Virtue,” a subject I feel strongly about, not just as an author of fiction for teens and young adults, but also as a homeschooling parent of four children.

The awesome part about this online event is that you can access the conference and talks from June 25 – 27 completely free!!

Or,  for the earlybird price of $47, you can purchase an all-access pass to the conference talks and resources for a full year after the conference!!

Let’s be honest, consuming all that info in three days can be overwhelming in itself, so having this access for a WHOLE YEAR is awesome. You can check out all the speakers at your own pace, even re-listen to your favorite, plus have access to the exhibitor hall for a year. The price for this access does go up after the 3 day conference, so check out the different pricing and accessibility here.


As I mentioned above, Catholic Teen Books will be part of the Exhibitor Hall, so look out for us there and check out our page, learn more about who we are and our mission, and sign up for our giveaway!

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