Songs that Inspire: Matthew West’s “Moved by Mercy”

I’m inspired by many things in life that are touched by the Almighty. One such thing is music. Not all music. Just music inspired by God. And when I’m inspired by Him, He inspires me to write. I’d like to share some of these song with you in my “Songs that Inspire” series. Don’t you just love the word “inspire”?

The following is an amazing song by Matthew West. And as usual it was inspired by a true testimony. I want to share this song with you. First I’m sharing the story behind the song…

…and now the song itself.

I pray that this song strengthens those who are looking for comfort in a world empty to them.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

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Revising Woes for “Tanner Rose”

ID-100140261I’m in the midst of revising Freeing Tanner Rose. It’s not an easy process, as many of you writers out there know. It’s a matter of tearing out sections of a novel that you spent hours and hours writing.

It has to be done though. And much of what’s being removed is just not working to make the story the best it can be, and that’s the thought process I have to keep reverting back to. Some stuff is easy. Let’s be honest, it just filler, initially needed to create a bridge from one section of the story to another.

But some of the content destined for removal is pretty good, if I have to say so myself. In those cases, it’s too much to let go, so I take what’s not working for Tanner Rose and put it somewhere safe for another novel.

If you need a tip for this process…Just do it! Every word should count if you want to produce a meaningful novel.

Anyway, I’ll continue to tear poor Tanner Rose apart and hopefully get to the final revision soon. Here’s praying!

God bless and thanks for checking in. TMG

How hard do you find the revising process?

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