The Many Teachable Moments in “The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch”

One of my readers wrote to me after reading The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch. She said that she found the book valuable because of its many teachable moments.

So I thought I’d take a moment and list some of these teachable moments for homeschooling mothers, teachers, and youth group leaders looking for a novel to use for instruction.

Overcoming Past Adversity: The story is about foster children who have all experienced past adversity. Benedict, the main character has the hardest time getting over his past. In fact, his fear stands in the way of his happiness.

Finding Strength in God: The biblical verse that carries this novel is Philippians 4:12-13.

I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Every one can relate to this verse because we have all had our ups and downs. This novel demonstrates that with God strengthening us, we can get through the worst of times.

Staying Pure in Love: Tommy and Faden discover that they have an emotional interest in each other. But how do two Christian teens deal with their emotions? I love how these characters come together, and as their relationship develops, they teach young teens how love can grow without compromise.

Patience in Foster Parenting: Unconditional love is easy when the children are your own, but what about foster children? David and Martha Credence are the epitome of love and patience. How do they do it?

Holding onto your Faith in Times of Struggle: Martha and David teach their foster children about loving and understanding God. Their mantra is, “have faith.” But even those who are strong in their faith feel forsaken when trial follows struggle after pain.

Following Your Dreams: Even when your dreams seem unreachable, never let them go. Continue to strive for them. There are many moments in this book where a character questions their own dreams and abilities. But this story promotes following your dreams. They may be God’s gift to you and your way of glorifying Him.

Accepting Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior: This isn’t easy to do for Benedict. His fear is as strong as his faith is weak. This story doesn’t preach. It doesn’t tell the reader to follow Christ, but it demonstrates the pain when He’s missing in your life, and it reveals the joy that comes with opening your Heart to Him.

These are the main teachable moments that are offered in The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch. This novel provides additional opportunities for teachers and youth group leaders to use for instruction. If you’re using this book to answer other questions, please share them with us here.

If you haven’t read The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch, you can get your copy from this site.

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Freeing Tanner Rose-Book Study Questions for Homeschooling, Youth Groups, and Book Clubs


*Note to youth leaders and teachers: You can pick and choose the questions depending on the purpose of your instruction and the age group of your students/readers.

Character development:

Characters-specific: Determine which characters you wish to discuss, either from the list given or others- Gabriel, Tanner, Miss Ruth, Alicia, Nina, Faith, Adam

How did temptation affect each character?

How was temptation dealt with as the character developed?

How important was modesty in this novel?

In how many ways was modesty presented?

Compare and contrast the characters Miss Ruth and Miss Alicia.

Explain the relationship transition between Gabriel and Tanner.

Explain how kung fu helped Gabriel remain focused on his faith.

Why was Gabriel not interested in competing?

In what ways did Gabriel live his faith?

Did Gabriel ever struggle with his faith? Explain.

Why do you believe that Gabriel continued to have a recurring dream about his father?

Why was it so difficult for Tanner to return to Hollywood?

Do you believe that Tanner could continue in her career without compromising her new found faith?

Which character was your favorite and why?

Which character do you feel was the strongest emotionally and why?


Were you able to relate to any of the characters portrayed and in what way?

Were the characters believable?

Was there any experience in the novel that you feel you can apply to your own life experience?

Do you find this novel valuable? Explain your response.

Which character made the biggest transition, in your opinion?

Which character made the smallest transition, in your opinion?


In your opinion, how well does the author portray the presence of God in the everyday lives of the characters?

Is the author successful in presenting faith in a relevant and relatable way?

Give an example of each of the following Christian values and explain where they were best presented:
forgiveness, strong faith, honesty, loyalty, perseverance, purity, charity, compassion, tolerance


Book Structure:

Discuss some of the narrative devices that the author uses? E.g. Flashbacks, foreshadowing, third person narration, plot twists, dialogue, and imagery. Do they work?

Do these narrative devices help move the story along or are they just distracting to the story?


What can you say about the author’s writing style?

Discuss the narrative style.

What are some of the noticeable themes in the book? How did the author develop these themes? Were these methods effective?

The Author:

How well did the author take you into the story?

Was the use of description effective?

Could you envision each character?

Could you envision the setting?

Did you find this novel enjoyable?

Would you recommend it to a friend? Explain your response.

Does this book prompt you to want to read more from this author?



Which character quote did you find most effective?

Which character quote do you feel is the defining message in the novel?

.PDF VERSION of book study for Freeing Tanner Rose

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The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch-Book Study Questions for Homeschooling, Youth Groups, and Book Clubs

Including T.M. Gaouette Novels in Your Teen’s Home-school Reading Program?


This is a note to all homeschooling parents looking to include my novels in their home education program. Surprisingly, many parents don’t take the time to read first the books they assign to their children. I feel that this is a great disadvantage to them and their children. My suggestion before assigning any of my teen novels to your children is to take the time to read them yourself for the following reasons:

  1. You can determine whether the novel is appropriate for your child. All my novels are great learning tools for teens, but some do introduce controversial themes. I’m not graphic in descriptions of controversial topics, but I do touch upon those issues enough to get necessary perspective. And so, I do feel that only a parent can decide if their child is ready to learn about certain issues. For example:
    • Themes for The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch include: Past adversity, emotional abuse, and loss.
    • Themes for Freeing Tanner Rose include: Addiction, loss, immodesty, and purity.
  2. You can set up a lesson plan that meets your current curriculum. Because of the many themes intertwined in each book, it offers many opportunities for learning. Whether you want to introduce a topic or work on writing techniques, you can establish a plan that’s unique to your child’s personal needs.
  3. You know what your children are reading and can respond to their questions accordingly. This would go hand in hand with number two. In setting up your lesson plan, you should also have the answer to the questions that will inevitably arise.

If you’re looking for feedback from readers and information to help set up your reading curriculum, check out some of the following links:


What Are People Saying About The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch
Amazon Comments
Author Profile 
Book Reviews and More (also posted on Catholic Dads Online)
Guest Post @

The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch- Chapter 1
The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch-Book Study Questions for Youth Groups, Schools, and Book Clubs

FREEING TANNER ROSE (Bk. 1-Faith & Kung Fu Series)

Amazon Comments
Guest Post @

I will try to keep this page updated. And don’t forget to “Like” me on Facebook for updates, news, and reviews of my current and upcoming novels…just click the “like” button on the right panel!

If you have the time, please share your feedback on lessons for any or all of my books in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Best and blessings, and happy homeschooling. TMG

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The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch-Book Study Questions for Homeschooling, Youth Groups, and Book Clubs

*Note to home-school parents, youth leaders and teachers: You can pick and choose the questions depending on the purpose of your instruction and the age group of your students/readers.

Character development:

Characters-specific: Determine which characters you wish to discuss, either from the list given or others- Benedict, Micah, Isabella, Sebastian, Tommy, Eva, Faden, Roy, David, Martha, Mr. Jones.

How did adversity affect each character?

How was past or current adversity resolved as the character developed?

Why did Benedict have such a difficult time letting go of his past?

Why did Micah have such a strong faith?

Why was Isabella really called “mama Bella”?

Why did Sebastian resent his father?

What was Tommy most afraid of?

Why was Eva so afraid to sing?

How well do you think Faden handled his feelings for Tommy?

What do you think David’s biggest challenge was?

What was Martha’s biggest fear?

How important was Mr. Jones’ character and why?

How did Roy demonstrate that an adverse past can create a positive future?

Which character was your favorite and why?

Which character do you feel was the strongest emotionally and why?


Were you able to relate to any of the characters portrayed and in what way?

Were the characters believable?

Was there any experience in the novel that you feel you can apply to your own life experience?

Do you find this novel valuable? Explain your response.

Which character made the biggest transition, in your opinion?

Which character made the smallest transition, in your opinion?


In your opinion, how well does the author portray the presence of God in the everyday lives of the characters?

Is the author successful in presenting faith in a relevant and relatable way?

Give an example of each of the following Christian values and explain where they were best presented:
forgiveness, strong faith, honesty, loyalty, perseverance, purity, charity, compassion, tolerance

Book Structure:

Discuss some of the narrative devices that the author uses? E.g. Flashbacks, foreshadowing, third person narration, plot twists, dialogue, and imagery. Do they work?

Do these narrative devices help move the story along or are they just distracting to the story?


What can you say about the author’s writing style?

Discuss the narrative style.

What are some of the noticeable themes in the book? How did the author develop these themes? Were these methods effective?

The Author:

How well did the author take you into the story?

Was the use of description effective?

Could you envision each character?

Could you envision the setting?

Did you find this novel enjoyable?

Would you recommend it to a friend? Explain your response.

Does this book prompt you to want to read more from this author?


Which character quote did you find most effective?

Which character quote do you feel is the defining message in the novel?

.PDF VERSION of Book Study for “The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch”

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