Soooo excited! Received TWO awards from Holly Michael: The One Lovely Blog Award & A Reader’s Appreciate Award- So honored- thanks Holly.

Holly Michael's Writing Straight

And speaking of sweet… SR at To Have Her Heart is so sweet. Gotta love her and her blog. She gave me the One Lovely Blog Award. Awww! I love hearts. I used to collect hearts as a kid. Put heart stickers all over my letters and papers. Often signed a little heart after my name. And look! A heart! Cute, isn’t it? I’m so honored.

Also got nominated for the Reader’s Appreciation Award by Virginia at  Poetaofficium.

Who wouldn’t appreciate a beautiful sunflower award! Yellow and bright. Nice! Thanks Ladies! Now, go and visit SR and Virginia’s blogs, if you haven’t done so already. Both are lovely blogs that inspire, give advice and motivate!

Well, as always with these awards there are a few rules. Firstly, you have to provide a link to the blogger/s who nominated you (done that – check above). Secondly, you need to…

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Can Innocence, Purity, and God Prevail in a Highly Sexualized Era?

Sexy is in. Sex is prevalent. It’s in school, on the television, in the movie theaters, in books. Hot, half-naked boys and girls are everywhere, flaunting and flirting and getting it on.

Romance is attractive and sex is inevitable. At least, it seems that way to me. Look at teen fashion, and celebrities who wear practically nothing in an attempt to stay in the spotlight or grow within their industry.

Our innocent little girl celebs are resorting to sexualizing themselves so they don’t disappear behind the next young aspiring starlet that Disney picks up.

So how in the world can purity and innocence prevail in a highly sexual world where we’ve reached the point of no return?

Society has become so edgy and risqué, that nothings been left to the imagination. The physical body has been put on display for the world to ogle at. And morality is almost non-existent. Am I generalizing? Unjustly resorting to cynicism? Maybe…just a little. But one look at shows like Jersey Shore, Teen Mom, and Toddlers in Tiaras, and you can see what young teens are watching and assuming as real life.

And we are losing God along the way.

When it comes to fiction, teen girls want to read about finding passion in the arms of a young, handsome boy. That’s cool. Not basking and growing in the amazing love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who wants to read about teens who look beyond sex, when they can read about girls begging vampires for it, or college grads contracting themselves into bondage with sexual abusers? That’s more exciting, enticing, tempting.

Where’s the excitement in reading about Christian teens who don’t care about sex?  Teens who put sex where it belongs -in their future marriage- and deal with real issues that matter, like becoming better, kinder, stronger, hard working, honest people. Who wants to read about that? Who?


Whether you do or not, I will continue to write about it, because God has placed that desire in my heart. It’s not the trend, it’s not sexy, but it gives me joy. For those of you who are interested, I pray you enjoy the stories I write to glorify Him.

Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Bless my words, Lord. So that I always glorify You in everything that I write.

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

Adversity is part of every life, whether in the past, the present, or in the future. The extent is subjective, and so is the response. I’ve written extensively on this subject on Project Inspired, because I’m an advocate for overcoming adversity, and doing so with the best help ever: the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s not forget that Jesus died for all our sins. What an amazing gift. What an extraordinary sacrifice.  It’s one that’s hard to fathom for those who don’t come to know God. But if you believe in Him, then your faith helps you recognize this truth.

I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Philippians 4:12-13)

The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch introduces young foster children who’ve experienced a lot of adversity. One has dealt with loss, one with abuse, one with neglect, and then there’s Benedict. Benny is the character that most epitomizes the truth that anything can be achieved with the strength of God. Of course Benedict doesn’t have the faith. And so he struggles to find a place where he can feel complete.

I wrote this story for teens who feel lost in the darkness of depression. I wrote it for those who have an ache within them that refuses to dissipate. I wrote it for those boys and girls who are looking for relief. Because the answer is in God and His desire to free us all of our pain. I pray it reveals this truth.

I also wrote it for those teens who’ve already found their strength in God. The novel is a celebration for them, and a reminder. I pray it brings joy.

I’m not a preacher, and I don’t want to preach. But I do want to share with as many people as possible, the truth. Our Lord Jesus Christ is here for all of us. There is no pain, there is no struggle, there is no hurt that is bigger than Him. Let Him in and He will carry you through your struggles, and He will guide you to the light. But you have to have faith, a real faith, in Him and His amazing love for you. You can do all things through Christ, because He is your strength.

My desire is to share this truth in my novel, The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch.

I will keep pushing on Lord, because I know you have a plan for me.

Do you have a story to share about overcoming adversity with the strength of Christ?