Sharing Christ’s Way in a Sexualized Culture, One Novel at a Time



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Sex sells! And we live in a culture that has embraced that truth with relish. It promotes it in every possible way: the media, fashion, movies, books, magazines, television shows, and commercials. Sex isn’t a private thing anymore, it’s far from the act that God created specifically for a husband and wife. Now it’s for anyone wishing to partake.

Of course, celebrities such as Miley Cyrus and Beyonce don’t help the cause. Performing simulated sexual acts on stage is what the former supports with indifference and the latter describes as feminism. These are performances akin to those that used to be kept secret behind the doors of a strip club. If only they would keep them in these more appropriate venues, instead of in a public forum with thousands of our children watching in awe and taking notes. No. Sex sells. And such behavior is no longer taboo.

But do you know what is taboo? Purity. Modesty. Chastity. These are just a few virtues shunned these days. They are criticized and ridiculed, as if it’s shameful to be dignified. Read more.

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