Introducing, “Saving Faith: Faith and Kung Fu – Book 2”


I begin this  post with an apology. I’ve been out of commission for a while now, not just regarding this website, but also on my author Facebook page. The last few months have been crazy with Christmas festivities, homeschooling responsibilities, being a parent, wife, farmer….you know the drill. And on top of that, I’ve been working hard to complete my second book in my kung fu series, Saving Faith. So, I had to choose to either write about the progress of the book or just write the book itself. I decided on the latter.

My initial plan was to complete this novel by the end of 2016. But God laughed at that plan. I’d left the completion too late in the season and too close to the holidays and I just ran out of time!!!!  But I’ve been praying hard since, and pulling some crazy late night writing sessions in order to get this done before planting season begins. And it’s almost done. I have a cover ready for you to see and a book description and I plan to launch next month (which begins in two days). Of course, God could laugh at me again, but here’s praying He shows me some mercy!

Saving Faith book description

With Tanner Rose gone, Gabriel is left to settle back into the God-devoted life he’d become so accustomed to. Except that his best friend’s sister, Faith, has decided that a life for the Lord is just way too confining. In an attempt to live a little, Faith focuses her interests on a handsome, but worldly, boy from her school, who has major self-control issues in and out of the kung fu arena. When things get too deep for Faith, she looks to Gabriel for help. Can Gabriel save Faith from self-created destruction or is he just too lost in his own worldly struggles to lend a hand? 

So, let me know what you think about the book description and cover design.

Thanks for visiting.

Blessing, T.M. Gaouette

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